Paying for college is tough, and paying back loans after spending a long time in school is not exactly a walk in the park either. Instead of worrying about paying huge sums of money either now or later, focus on applying to some of these scholarships to fund your educational studies.
1. Cognizant’s Making the Future Scholarship
Cognizant is looking to provide scholarship opportunities to individuals in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students must submit a hands-on project to be considered for this scholarship.
2. MRR Scholarship
Many communities are in need of some help, and Mortgage Refinance Rates is offers scholarships to those who are committed to building up communities for the future.
3. SMART Scholarship
Standing for Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation, SMART is dedicated to helping students reach their goals in the fields of science, technology and engineering.
4. Association for Iron and Steel Technology Foundation
Are you planning to go into a field that has to do with modern steel making? If that’s the case, look toward this organization for funding for your educational career. This group wants to help these students make their dreams come true.
5. American Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineering Scholarship
Since 1991, this organization has provided over $1 million in scholarships. The scholarships that they provide range from $3,000 to $10,000.
6. ANS Undergraduate Scholarship
If you have completed at least one year of study in a nuclear related field, you are eligible for this annual scholarship.
7. Edward S. Roth Manufacturing Engineering Scholarship
In order to apply for this opportunity, you must have a GPA of at least 3.0. Additionally, this scholarship is available to those seeking both undergraduate and graduate degrees from certain universities.
8. IIE Marvin Mundel Memorial Scholarship
With an application deadline of November 15 each day, this scholarship is available to those in Canada, Mexico or the United States and its territories.
9. North Carolina Space Grant Freshmen/Sophomore Scholarship
Are you absolutely in love with the idea of playing a role in space exploration one day? If so, check out this opportunity with a yearly application deadline date of February 24.
10. Paul and Ellen Ruckes Scholarship
Remember that scholarships of all sizes help. This scholarship provides a $1,000 award to one lucky student.
11. James “Jim” Rankin Memorial Scholarship
Are you interested in pursuing a career in project management? Well then, this is the scholarship for you.
12. The Siemens Competition
Get your creative and technical juices flowing as you’ll be required to engage in a project-either as an individual or team-to qualify for this great scholarship.
13. ASME-ASME Auxiliary FIRST Clarke Scholarships
With seven awards totaling $5,000 each, this is certainly one of the scholarship opportunities that high school seniors should look towards.
14. American Electric Power Scholarship
Don’t miss out on this scholarship opportunity if you are going into your junior and senior year and have a love for the mechanical engineering profession.
15. ASME Foundation Scholarships
Some of these scholarship foundations have a number of awards to give, and this is one of them. 20 students entering sophomore, junior or senior year will be selected
16. F.W. “Beich” Beichley Scholarship
This award is based on several factors including character, financial need and academic ability.
17. Kate Gleason Scholarship
Are you a female in this field? Well then, apply for this scholarship named in honor of the first female member of ASME.
18. Kenneth Andrew Roe Scholarship
This $12,500 award is available for residents of the United States and North America.
19. Lucy and Charles W.E. Clarke Scholarship
When you are working on your graduate or doctoral program, here is one of the many scholarship opportunities that you do not want to miss.
20. Bruce J. Heim Foundation Scholarship
Here’s another award for individuals who one day hope to work on space exploration efforts. This scholarship is for $1,500.
21. NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program
NASA offers an extensive array of help and assistance for students interested in this field. It’s not just limited to scholarships, as this organization offers internship opportunities as well.
22. General Motors Engineering Scholarship
If you are in a minority group, then this is the source to which you want to head. General Motors specializes in scholarships for minority groups.
23. Yanmar America Corporation Scholarship
Sometimes, students feel a bit down when they are getting to the end of their scholarship year. Fortunately, this corporation offers a $1,000 renewable scholarship to eligible students.
24. Society of Women Engineers Scholarship
Once again, we have a source for women in the field. Check out this society for scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000.
25. National Society of Black Engineers Scholarship
Requiring a paid membership, this society presents some terrific financial opportunities for engineering students.
Start applying today, so you don’t miss any of these excellent opportunities.